Control Arm Bushings

Control arm, sometimes called tension strut, bushings on many BMW’s wear out and will cause a pretty violent steering wheel shake while braking at highway speeds. When starting to wear out, it can feel similar to warped brake rotors upon braking. As the bushings continue to tear and deteriorate, the steering shake while braking at highway speed becomes a good indicator of bushing failure. The bushings can be replaced separately from the control arms. Usually if there is a ball joint on the other end of the control arm, it’s wise to replace the whole control arm instead of just replacing the worn out bushings. This particular control arm has a hole for the ball joint to attach to the control arm at the other end, so nothing is gained by replacing the control arm over just the bushing.

To replace the bushings, the control arm can be removed and a standard hydraulic press with proper adapters can be used to replace the bushing. Another way to replace the bushing is with a long threaded rod and proper size cups/sleeves. This method allows the control arm to remain on the vehicle. You’ll notice the wheel is not even removed, only jacked up off the ground. One sleeve needs to match the outside diameter of the bushing and the other sleeve will receive the bushing as it’s pressed out. The same process is done in reverse to install the new bushing. It is best to have very long handled ratchets when trying to press out and install the bushings through this method. There is a lot of force required and the more leverage the better. Applying a little heat to the end of the control arm where the bushing is to be removed/installed is also helpful.